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What To Do For Sudden Back Pain

Many severe attacks of back pain develop from just simple activities of daily living. A few such examples are bending over the bathroom sink, reaching to pick up a piece of paper off the floor, sneezing, lifting a child, or reaching into a cabinet.  Obvious causes for back injuries are heavy lifting, falls, sports injuries, and auto accidents.

Call or text our office if you are in question of what is the correct action after your injury. We may well ask that you apply cold packs the first 12 - 24 hours prior to your first treatment.

Any neck, arm, back, or leg aches which persist for more than 5 - 7 days should be examined by Dr. Snow. You should investigate the cause of your pain in order to prevent a severe or disabling condition. Your bodies pain is a warning signal that something is wrong.

Remember "It is easier to stay well than get well."


Immediate Care:

  • Get Patient to firm bed, on the floor, or sitting on a kitchen chair. (a heavy blanket on the floor will make good padding.)

    Apply an ice bag in cloth like a sock, or use a cold compress. Prop ice bag to back with pillows or tie on with a long 3" wide cloth.

    The best method of getting into bed is to sit down on the bed. Keep your back straight. Use your arms to lower yourself down slowly, to either your right or left side. Bring your legs up with your knees bend, at same time while you are lowering yourself down on to your side.  When the pain is not severe. Roll over slowly on to your back. Place a pillow under your knees. 

    Arise from your bed in the reverse order of which you laid down.  that you laid down.                                                                       



The following Stretching may be attempted if they do not cause additional pain.

  • While lying on the back, draw one knee to the chest, grasp knees with hands, pull your knees toward your chest. If difficult discontinue. 

  • Lying on side, draw knees to abdomen or chest, curl up, pull knees to chest. Discontinue if painful. 

  • While lying on the back, place a large pillow beneath your calves (18" high).

  • Patient can walk if possible, stop when tired. Alternate walking, and resting laying down on a firm surface. 

  • An ordinary trouser belt strapped below the hips may give temporary relief.



Davao Chiropractic Clinic

2nd Floor Grace Bldg.

Davao City, 8000

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